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Keeping hair healthy, one strand at a time.

The reason I went into the hair industry is the very same reason I chose to start this blog. Thirteen years ago when I began cosmetology school, I figured if I could help make the world a beautiful place one person at a time, I would have a great incentive to get up and be off to work everyday. After only a few short months in school, I quickly realized knowledge is power. I am just as happy now, as I was then to share whatever knowledge I can to help encourage and enlighten people on their journey to healthier hair. I hope this blog finds you well, as we go through the ins and outs of managing and maintaining healthy hair. Whether your hair strand is straight, curly, natural, relaxed, thick, thin, tightly coiled or loosely waved, the method is much the same. Put the work in, and get the results. It is not a choice but a way of life, and I am happy to give you the tools you need to create a formula for success no matter what your hair texture may be. Until next time, signing out


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